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Thursday, December 11, 2008

12/11/2008 12:45:00 AM Y

Post title :
-reality check!-

I'm so nice, help Sharon update.
After like how long?!
HAHAHAHAHA, she's so lazy.

tsk tsk tsk.
HAHA, today had BAND BBQ!
& Sharon's body is aching thanks to me.
They're group came in first, so it's all worth it!:D

And Sharon's being so nice now,
She's sending me stuff.
which is taking so freaking long to load.

But anyway, at least i wrote something.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

5/14/2008 09:29:00 PM Y

Post title :
-reality check!-

omg today brought my band file for nothing..
so stupid.
had such a nice welcome when i stepped into the music room, hearing the word 'EX president'.
ah well.. must get used to it..

the meeting wasn productive at all.. Heh.
and was glad to know tht some ppl didn know who our cca teacher in charge was.
like OMG. totally embarrassing.

now i feel so new in band.
really really wierd..
at least i don't have to go back for band till after my chinese O's.

got back chi and e-maths today..
chi was sucky..
chi drills was kinda ok..
managed to go through 2.5 hours of chi..
must really pray for Jiang lou shi..
hope her family is fine back in sichuan.

k gtg now. BYE!

Thursday, May 08, 2008

5/08/2008 05:59:00 PM Y

Post title :
-reality check!-

one more day before exam ends!!! AHAHAHA..
i've been waiting for this day..
although i'll be having my chi Os on the first day of the june hols. LOL.
i kinda screwed up my papers..
like seriously seriously screw up.. HEH.
studying 20 chapters per subject (for sciences).
and 17 chapters for A-maths..
sec 1 to sec 4 work for e-maths..
sec 3 and 4 work for ss and history..

i really wonder how i did tht in like.. 2 weeks..
really miss those days where we only have to learn like a few chapters..
anyway.. its over!
when O levels is drawing near then i'll panick again.
but if i don't do well this time..
its really a wake up call. LOL.

im being random.. but i miss band. =)
maybe not so much ever since the stress and exams started..
but i still miss band a little tiny-winy bit.

oh yah!
wanna wish all the may babies : natasha, vanessa (nat's twin) , aveline, gen and vanessa leong!
love ya guys loads..

physics paper 1 tmr..
not planning to study tht much..
but just do tys and more tys..

Friday, April 11, 2008

4/11/2008 09:41:00 PM Y

Post title :
-reality check!-


band was so sad today!
so many ppl cried when we showed the ppt..
i cried when i was saying my 'speech'.
omg so embarrassing!!
then my juniors started crying too.

but yeah.
i shall finish my speech here!
thank u guys for your support and encouragement..
just let u know tht when i scold you all..
its for your own good.
i can really see tht the band is united after all tht we have been through.
although u always make my blood boil..
somehow i just feel this sense of belonging in the band..
like we're one big family.
don't know if you guys feel the same..
but i still love you!!

when the new committee take over..
make sure u all listen to them k?
im sure they will do a fantastic job..
but whatever u do.. just do ur best..
don't care if the ex seniors think the band's standard dropped since they left.
(no offence seniors! =P)
just work hard and play hard..
i have faith in you guys!

I LOVE PB!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, April 06, 2008

4/06/2008 10:26:00 PM Y

Post title :
-reality check!-

it has been an awesome week!

its finally over..
but i had a great time..
minus the shouting and all.
i shall not go there.
don't want to rmb what happened..
really wanna thank all of u guys to TRY to co-operate with me..
still need a little more effort but ya..
at least u guys bothered to try.
wanna thank cherie, sonya and shanna for staying back with me to pack up the music room when everyone left. thanks so much!
owe u guys one..
we did shutter runs eh cherie? LOL.

friday was even better.
except 2.4km run.
almost died!
i have learnt not to eat macs before running. LOL.
couldn walk properly after the run.
xs and pr came to my house to bathe and change..
rushed off to st pats concert..
which was totally awesome.. =)
i made an unglam grand entrance! LOL.
not something nice though. HAHA.
st.stephan's pri band was CUTE.. CUTE CUTE CUTE.
esp the timpani player.
he was running up and down throughout the whole song.. OMG
so cute!!!!!!!!
was cam-whoring outside VCH while waiting for my dad.
sent xs to church and pr home after the whole concert.
will upload the pics another time!

next day!
went to sing for christopher's grandparents' 50th wedding anniversary.
really cool..
married for 50 years.
i doubt i can do tht.

then went to parkway to do something SHOPPING. YAY!
ate at jack's place..
too bad i had to pay majority of the bill.. TSK.
at least i had my cheese cake!! yummy..
went home.. and started doing my homework.
talked on the phone for 2 hours..
then ate dinner.. yup..

today had cat class..
last 3 lessons!
don't know if thts good or not..
can't believe everyone was in the same class since pri 1!
went for lunch at some jap place..
bought some daily necessities..
went home and hit the books!
for once.. i started studying.. lol..
yay for sharon! =)

hope next week will be a good week but i doubt so..
2 tests and bio SPA!!

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

4/01/2008 08:13:00 PM Y

Post title :
-reality check!-


omg today was hilarious..
though it didn really work out. HEH.
it was fun..
esp when it was Ms Kang's lesson.
freaking hilarious!

some ppl are just so irritating..
one whole group of them. ARGH.

person A
you are so quiet..
but have the biggest mouth when it comes to complaining!
if u have the guts to complain to _____ about me and the committee, then why not tell it straight to my face in front of everyone? HUH?
want to be angel infront of ____ only la. WTF. GO AND DIE!!!

person B
not very good technically still can complain.
bet u had fun at ______ last sat right?
say what your parents downstairs waiting.
waiting my ass ah.
so self-centred, so irresponsible!!! GO AND DIE!!!!!

what's wrong with you ppl mann..
giving me problems.
like excuse me, i have a life!
i give up on you..
cuz you're not worth my time.
if you don't want to co-operate, its none of my business!

Sunday, March 16, 2008

3/16/2008 07:36:00 PM Y

Post title :
-reality check!-

march hols were crappy..
had to study for my piano exam.
i was studying so hard on the Italian, German and French terms but none came out!
like WTH.
i was so freaking pissed.
and the SMU lecture room was coooool..
but stuffy.. though it's air-conditioned.

band on wed was _____.
if you were there, you would know what word to put in tht space.
i wasn't angry.. but super angry..
of course im not someone who scolds..
so yeah. just bottle it up inside and then explode when band's over. LOL.
thank god for sec 4s.
seriously mann.. Heh.
love them loads!

march hols are over..
back to school!
i wonder who im going to sit with for the whole of next term..
hopefully she's someone i can talk to. haha..
well gtg now!
need to do some last min hw. =P

The WitnessY

Sharon Tan
born on 7th dec 1992,
making her 16th birthday!
percussion band!|
1.6 '05.|
2.8 '06.|
3.8 '07.|
4.8 '08.|
|PB!(seniors, juniors love them LOADS!)|
|my family.|
|my friends.|

This is my blog so Click here if you hate it.

She pleadedY

-do well for exams
-get new phone
-get my own room!
-hope PB can go overseas
-get more money
-do things that no one can interfere

The verdictY


The judgesY

NAS natasha.
poh hun.
xiao si.
tracy stacy.
yu ting.
pb alumni.
pei yi.
xiao qi.
Char (sis).
clare (church).


♥ April 2006
♥ May 2006
♥ June 2006
♥ July 2006
♥ August 2006
♥ September 2006
♥ October 2006
♥ November 2006
♥ December 2006
♥ January 2007
♥ February 2007
♥ March 2007
♥ April 2007
♥ May 2007
♥ June 2007
♥ July 2007
♥ August 2007
♥ September 2007
♥ October 2007
♥ November 2007
♥ December 2007
♥ January 2008
♥ February 2008
♥ March 2008
♥ April 2008
♥ May 2008
♥ December 2008



Her thanksY

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